The "Empty Nest" Update - How to Adapt When the Kids Leave for College

Liz Yardley .
Aug 30, 2017
As kids go back to school and off to college, mixed emotions and long to-do lists can be all consuming. For some, this might be the year they officially become "empty nesters" and things may feel a little off balance. A great way to help begin this new chapter of your life and to offer some distraction from the overwhelming emotions, is to update and rearrange your home to suit your personal needs. After all, we baby proof, toddler proof, redecorate for every stage - the pink stage/the "i hate pink" stage, the teenage mutant ninja turtle stage/the teenage angst stage, and so on.
Rethink the rooms, the flow, in your house. While you may want to keep some classic pieces that stand the test of time for holidays and family reunions, you may want to opt for a more elegant look, a style that says who you are and the adventure you are embarking on.
Create a tech free living space with a cozy love seat or chaise longue - perfect for reading, chatting or a night cap - uninterrupted "you" time! Spice up the feel of the room with a few accessories, like throws and deco pillows, easily rotated to suit the season.

Refine elements in your kitchen and purge your storage. Get back to basics, dressing your table the way you have always longed to. Chances are when you return home at the end of your day, it will all look exactly as you left it. You might like a full matching set of linens for your table or you could choose to go mix and match with a table runner and placemats. Browse our table linens for more ideas.

Next, head over to the bathroom. Toss your old towels or send them to the "pool" bin. Let's face it, they've probably been used for cleaning up spills & make up more than anything else. You can opt for a higher end towel, as you won't be supplying the masses. 4 Bath Towels, 2 Hand Towels and 4 Wash Cloths are sufficient for most couples and an oversized Bath Sheet is a real treat! Find an array of our favourites here.

After years of neglecting your personal space, invest in your dream bedroom! Get a high quality down pillow for a blissful sleep, or a classic coverlet that will work with passing trends. Replace your tired mattress or add a topper to refresh your existing mattress.

You will settle in to your new daily vibe, post kids. Doing things for yourself can help make the adjustment easier. The changes can be small, so long as you focus on your personal needs. It might take a few tries, as the 24/7 mom role is hard to quit, but you will get there. Even more so, you deserve to get there!