Design by Skype is available to Designers who are registered with TOILE. If you are not already registered with TOILE, please register online, give us a call 514-486-2424 or drop into the showroom.
You are the designer. You know what you want. You know what you love. You are always working to exercise your passion for the perfect, tailored design.
Your days consist of drafting, client meetings and sourcing carpet, furniture, final touches. The budget and time line of your project usually starts to dwindle when it's time for the bedrooms. You order what you know, what you've seen before. It's not always perfect but it's reliable. While you know the value of the right mattress, of sheets you can only dream of and of a unique look that renews your strength and personality each and every morning - the client does not. The client is not always prepared to devote the attention and investment the bedroom deserves. It is after all where they will spend most of their time, it is where they retreat at the end of a long day, it is their most personal space, a canvas to express all that they are and all that they want to become.
While you may love a chance to catch up on the latest products over a cup of coffee, reality is - you just don't have the time. Add simultaneous projects, demanding clients and a small iota of time devoted to maintaining some sort of personal life - you really don't have the time.
You can, however, take advantage of the lulls in between phone calls and appointments - without leaving your desk, car, or what have you.
We, at TOILE, have an efficient and enjoyable process for remote consultations in place.
1) Call or email us to let us know what you are looking for. We will pull fitting samples that deliver the look and feel you are going through.
2) We use FaceTime or Skype to go through them with you, one by one and adjust accordingly.
3) We then courier over the selected samples so that you can see & feel them in person, compare them to the rest of your design and present them to the clients.
4) When you are done, we will pick them up, create a quote with solid delivery times and place the order - all with the click of a button...or two.
The service doesn't end there. For your large bedroom projects, we are happy to make the trip to the client's home to measure for window dressings, mattress depths, bedding & more. We know that there are many factors involved in delivering a project on time. With that in mind, we can consolidate your order at our showroom, so that it's complete and ready when you are. We also provide delivery and installation services - yes, we even make the bed!
We keep our most popular and well vetted products available for purchase online. We post daily to Instagram and FaceBook so that you can stay on top of the latest trends & product. We will continue to make changes to our website and social practices with you, the designer, in mind.
Our designers know that they can rely on us every step of the way. As a designer, you can count on TOILE to piece together your vision and step in where it counts. But you don't have to take our word for it! Testimonials D
Caring For Your New Linens
- Egyptian cotton sheets should be washed with mild bleach free detergent in warm (not hot) water. You should expect about 3% shrinkage for cotton sheets.
- Machine wash, on gentle cycle, using cool warm water.
- Remove from machine immediately, shake out and gently stretch to smooth wrinkles.
- Launder whites and collars separately. Do not mix sheets and towels in the same load.
- Do not use bleach or detergents with optical brighteners. Instead for whitening purposes, we recommend using natural alternatives such as vinegar or lemon juice mixed with water. The use of chlorine bleach detergent will yellow the fabric and reduce the strength of your bed linens.
- Dry on select or tumble dry, and do not over-dry. Heat makes fabric brittle, damages the cluster of the cotton and causes excessive shrinkage.
- If pressing is desired, take the sheets from the dryer when they are slightly damp.
- Iron medium heat, the backside of the sheet to avoid damaging any embroidery details.
Washing Coloured Embroideries
- Machine wash in lukewarm water with mild soap or detergent.
- Fill the washing machine with enough articles to circulate freely.
- Remove the articles immediately after the cycle is finished.
- New leave damp embroidered items pressed together.
- No bleach should ever be used.
- If there should be any bleeding of a color, soak the item in a non-chlorine bleach solution such as Clorox color safe bleach, for 60-90 minutes and repeat the washing cycle.
- Do not over dry the articles. Over drying reduces the life of your embroidered articles.
- If pressing is desired, take the sheets from the dryer when they are slightly damp.
- Delicate embroideries and laces must be ironed on the reverse side or between two clothes. Start is not necessary and is never suggested.
- Ironing retains the shine of beautiful cotton sateen sheeting and the body of pure silk sheeting.